
As I rolled over one Saturday morning to turn my cell phone alarm off I decided to send the man a good morning text. When I didn’t get anything back right away I wasn’t shocked as he can’t always get back to me so soon while he is at work. Upon getting up out of bed and heading to the bathroom I heard a sound of a cell phone getting a text message… it wasn’t mine. I thought to myself, “Surely he did not forget his cell phone. Maybe it’s my iPod.” Nope, I was correct. Walking into the living room I see his cell phone sitting there on his TV tray. I pick up the phone and there is my text message.

This Saturday morning the man’s sister was picking me up for our regular weekend trip to the nail salon. While getting ready through the morning time I fought the urge to go through his cell phone. I just didn’t have the time before his sister would be here.

After the nail salon we decided to grab some lunch from our favorite fast food joint and take it back to my house to eat. Walking into the house his sister sat down in his spot and I proceeded to my eating area. I said out loud to sister, “I wonder if anyone else has text him…”, picking up the phone and looking at it I see that I am still the only one. Sister asks if I have ever thought about going through his phone. My reply was no but the thought wouldn’t leave my head… I couldn’t remember if I had his lock code right but decided to try. My memory had not betrayed me as the main menu popped up. Going to his messages I was sure I wasn’t going to find anything. I decided to be nosey and look through what his exes and him talk about… nothing too exciting… one thing inappropriate with the first ex but I blew that off as him being a “smartass”.

Still strolling through the messages I come across a girl that I had met once or twice before that the man was trying to get me to be friends with. Friendships cannot be forced but I had decided I would give this a shot as I am still fairly new to Oklahoma and only have friends from where I work.

I wondered why he would be texting her and decided to open it up. Upon reading these texts my mind and body went into shock and I could not move or speak. The only words that could come out were, “Oh my God, you have got to be kidding me!” Sister asked in great amazement as to what I was talking about. I don’t even know how long it took for me to answer her but when I did I felt like nothing I even said made sense. I couldn’t believe these words were coming out of my mouth.

This girl was called “sexy” randomly on a random day. Then on Thanksgiving she was told to have a good Thanksgiving “beautiful”. Hence, the nickname I came up for her, “Sexy/Beautiful”. Reading more of the texts I found the man telling her that she works really hard and not to let herself work too hard… she works at a fastfood joint… I am a teacher for one-year-olds, a housewife, and a stepmom… who works hard? Guess I gotta work at a fastfood joint to be a hardworker. Then at one point he asks Sexy/Beautiful if she is working, much to his dismay she is and he is very disappointed.

I felt a fire starting in my heart and I called the number he had given me to call in case of an emergency. No answer. I decided to text Sexy/Beautiful and find out the truth. Of course, there was denial. When the man called back he heard my speech. The fire was so out of control tears starting pouring out of my eyes. I was so mad.

I text with Sexy/Beautiful throughout the day…. little by little I believed each of them and was working on letting it go and getting over it. Sexy/Beautiful is bisexual… she has a girlfriend and a boyfriend and assured me there was nothing for me to worry about.

Today marks the 2 weeks since this incident… this came to mind as I drove to the nail salon. Hoping that unlike that of 2 weeks ago today would be a good day. So far so good until later that afternoon I get 2 phone calls from Sexy/Beautiful. The first I did not hear… the second one I ignored. I didn’t know why she was calling me. I had explained her the 2 weeks before that that our friendship just wouldn’t work… she said she understood. So why was I getting this phone call from her. And plus why were they back to back.

My mind starting wondering… trying to figure out why she was calling me. I thought there for sure there would be a confession of some sort.

I picked up my phone and called her back asking her why she called. She started the conversation casual like we had been talking everyday. Then she does a 180 and starts talking about the Saturday 2 weeks prior to this one! I was over it and just gotten over it! Now it has been brought to my attention again and all the emotions come flooding back. I told Sexy/Beautiful that there was no need to talk about it… I was over it. She continues that she would never do that to anyone. Yes, I thought, you told me this already.

Then she decides to do another 180 and start hitting on me. Telling me that she has always thought I was cute… At this point I had tried to get off the phone multiple times and was unsuccessful. At this point I needed out of the situation. Finally using that I needed to clean house before the man got home got me off the phone, only to get a text message immediately after hanging up saying that she enjoyed talking to me and couldn’t wait to talk to me again. My first thought was, “What FRIEND does that?” I do not remember ever texting a friend something like that. It was weird and uncomfortable and my opinion of this girl had changed greatly in a negative way and I had to end this “friendship” before things went too far and it would cause unnecessary drama in my life.

Upon the man getting off work I had text him and told him to call me. When I told him of this incident he immediately experienced the fire in his heart that I had in mine and told me he would take care of it. He made a phone call to Sexy/Beautiful which gave him no answer, which made me get a text from her saying that the man called her phone but she did not answer because she told me that she would not talk to him unless I was present. I told her that I knew of his phone call….

Since this situation I have come to the conclusion that Sexy/Beautiful is in need of acceptance and is going about it the wrong way… However she is unable to get acceptance and friendship from me… I just cannot allow it.

She will no longer be a part of anything in our lives. No matter what she goes through and no matter how hard her life is and how bad we feel for her she brought a dilemma into our lives and I do my best to stay away from people like that.


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